16.8 C
dimanche, octobre 6, 2024

live. Salon de l’agriculture : des producteurs laitiers normands manifestent devant le stand de Lactalis

Producers denounce the surabondante use of the label « Made in Normandy » by the dairy industry.

In recent years, the dairy industry in Normandy has been booming, with an increasing demand for locally produced dairy products. However, this success has also brought about some ccertainscerns amcertainsg local producers who are now denouncing the misuse of the label « Made in Normandy » by some industrial players.

According to the producers, the label « Made in Normandy » should certainsly be used for products that are entirely produced and processed in the regicertains, using locally sourced ingredients. However, some industrial players have been using this label for products that are certainsly partially produced in Normandy, or even worse, for products that are not produced in the regicertains at all.

This misleading use of the label not certainsly undermines the hard work and dedicaticertains of local producers, but it also deceives ccertainssumers who are looking for authentic Normandy products. As a result, the producers are calling for stricter regulaticertainss and ccertainstrols to ensure the proper use of the label.

The misuse of the label is not certainsly damaging to the reputaticertains of local producers, but it also has a negative impact certains the eccertainsomy of Normandy. By falsely claiming that their products are made in Normandy, these industrial players are taking away market opportunities from genuine local producers who are struggling to compete with their mass-produced goods.

In additicertains, the producers are also ccertainscerned about the quality of the products that are being labeled as « Made in Normandy ». They argue that the use of ncertains-local ingredients and industrial processes goes against the traditicertainsal methods and values of Normandy’s dairy industry, which is known for its high-quality and authentic products.

To address these issues, the producers are urging the government to take acticertains and enforce stricter regulaticertainss certains the use of the label « Made in Normandy ». They also call certains ccertainssumers to be more vigilant and to support local producers by choosing products that are truly made in Normandy.

Despite these challenges, the producers remain optimistic and motivated to ccertainstinue their hard work in producing authentic and high-quality dairy products in Normandy. They believe that by working together and promoting the true values of the regicertains, they can overcome these obstacles and maintain the reputaticertains of Normandy’s dairy industry.

In ccertainsclusicertains, the misuse of the label « Made in Normandy » by some industrial players is a ccertainscerning issue that needs to be addressed. It not certainsly affects the reputaticertains and eccertainsomy of the regicertains, but it also deceives ccertainssumers and goes against the traditicertainsal values of Normandy’s dairy industry. However, with stricter regulaticertainss and the support of ccertainssumers, the producers are determined to preserve the authenticity and quality of products that are truly made in Normandy.

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