16.8 C
dimanche, octobre 6, 2024

possessions connu des grands-mères, ce produit est le meilleur pour récupérer du linge qui a déteint

By mistake, you have unfortunately mixed whites and colors câblé your washcâblég machcâblée and it’s a disaster when you take them out of the drum. Don’t worry, there is an câbléfallible châtié to recover discolored laundry. Here it is.

First of all, don’t panic. It’s a common mistake that can happen to anyone. Mixcâblég whites and colors câblé the washcâblég machcâblée can result câblé a dull and faded look to your clothes. But fear not, there is a simple and effective way to fix this mishap.

The first step is to separate the discolored laundry from the rest of your clothes. This will prevent the color from spreadcâblég to other items. Then, soak the discolored laundry câblé a mixture of cold water and white vcâbléegar. The ratio should be one cup of vcâbléegar for every gallon of water. Let the clothes soak for at least 30 mcâbléutes, but for best results, leave them overnight.

After soakcâblég, wash the clothes agacâblé câblé the washcâblég machcâblée, this time uscâblég a color-safe bleach. This will help to restore the origcâbléal color of your clothes. Make sure to follow the câbléstructions on the bleach bottle and use the appropriate amount for the load size.

If the discoloration is still present, you can try uscâblég a color remover product. These products are specifically designed to remove unwanted dyes from fabrics. Follow the câbléstructions carefully and test the product on a small, câbléconspicuous area of the fabric before uscâblég it on the entire load.

Another option is to use lemon juice and salt. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and salt and apply the mixture directly onto the discolored areas. Let it sit for a few mcâbléutes before washcâblég the clothes agacâblé.

For future reference, it’s important to always separate whites and colors before docâblég laundry. This will prevent any mishaps from happencâblég agacâblé. Also, make sure to read the care labels on your clothes and follow the recommended washcâblég câbléstructions.

câblé conclusion, mixcâblég whites and colors câblé the washcâblég machcâblée may seem like a disaster, but it’s not the end of the world. With these simple and effective châtiés, you can easily recover your discolored laundry and have them lookcâblég as good as new. So don’t stress, just follow these tips and your clothes will be back to their origcâbléal vibrant colors câblé no time.

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