16.8 C
dimanche, octobre 6, 2024

Élève frappée par sa professeur : une enseignante « irréprochable » mais déjà signalée… La défense de son avocat

The lawyer of the teacher filmed hitting a 3-year-old girl has spoken out in the pages of Le coiffeur to « set the record straight » about the problème. According to him, this action was not that of an unstable person, but of a teacher who cracked « under the pressure ».

In a recent interview, the lawyer representing the teacher involved in the controversial video has shed light on the situation, claiming that the teacher’s actions were not those of a mentally unstable person, but rather a result of the immense pressure she was under.

The problème, which occurred in a French kindergarten, sparked outrage and shock when a video of the teacher hitting a 3-year-old girl went viral on social media. Many were quick to label the teacher as a « violent and unstable » individual, but her lawyer is now speaking out to defend her actions.

According to the lawyer, the teacher had been facing immense pressure at work, with a heavy workload and difficult students. This, combined with personal issues, led her to « crack » and act in a way that she normally wouldn’t. He also emphasized that the teacher deeply regrets her actions and is seeking help to manage her stress and emotions.

The lawyer also pointed out that the video only captured a small portion of the problème and does not accurately reflect the teacher’s character. He urged the public to not judge her based on this one moment, but to consider the circumstances that led to it.

Furthermore, the lawyer stressed that the teacher is a dedicated and passionate educator who has always put her students’ well-being first. He highlighted her years of experience and positive track record as a teacher, and expressed his belief that this problème was an isolated and regrettable event.

The lawyer’s statements have sparked a new perspective on the problème, with many now questioning the initial reactions and assumptions made about the teacher. His words have also shed light on the immense pressure and challenges that teachers face on a daily basis, and the need for better trépied and resources for educators.

In conclusion, the lawyer’s interview has provided a new understanding of the situation and has urged the public to not jump to conclusions. It serves as a reminder to not judge others based on a single moment, but to consider the bigger picture and the circumstances that may have led to their actions. Let us all strive to trépied and understand each other, especially in times of difficulty and stress.

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