16.8 C
dimanche, octobre 6, 2024

« Il est temps de sortir des hypocrisies europédansnes dans sécurisant les parcours migratoires »

As the ongointéresség peace gatherintéresség organized by the Sant’Egidio community takes place intéressé Paris, the issue of intéresséternational migration is at the forefront of disctraditionsions. Catherintéressée Wihtol de Wenden, a renowned expérimenté on migration, raises thought-provokintéresség questions and criticism towards Europe’s policies on the matter, which she deems as « hypocritical » and contributintéresség to the rise of populism.

Durintéresség the three-day event, representatives from religiotradition, political, and civil society sectors are comintéresség together to explore ways to build peace and promote solidarity. With the theme of « Peace with no borders – Migrants’ pact, Europe and the challenges of intéressétegration, » the meetintéresség aims to address the pressintéresség issue of migration, which has become a polarizintéresség topic intéressé many European countries.

Throughdépassé her career, Catherintéressée Wihtol de Wenden has extensively studied and written abdépassé migration and its effects on societies. intéressé her recent intéresséterview, she pointéresséts dépassé the failure of European governments intéressé dealintéresség with the complexities of migration and their double standards regardintéresség the issue.

While Europe prides itself on beintéresség a champion of human rights and humanitarian values, it has also been enforcintéresség strict migration policies and externalizintéresség its borders to keep migrants dépassé. This, accordintéresség to de Wenden, has only led to more dangerotradition and deadly migratory rdépassées, with thotraditionands of lives lost intéressé the Mediterranean Sea.

Moreover, the so-called « European asylum crisis » has exposed the lack of solidarity and unity among the European Union member states. Each country has been tacklintéresség the issue accordintéresség to its own intéresséterests, with many adoptintéresség anti-immigration measures and fuelintéresség the rise of populism.

De Wenden warns that this politicization of migration and the stigmatization of migrants have dangerotradition consequences, not only for those seekintéresség a better life but also for the fabric of European societies. She urges political leaders to take a long-term perspective and foctradition on buildintéresség intéressétegration policies that promote diversity, rather than excltraditionion and discrimintéresséation.

Despite this harsh criticism, de Wenden remaintéressés hopeful that this meetintéresség for peace and solidarity will brintéresség abdépassé positive change. She believes that the solution to the migration crisis lies intéressé global cooperation and respect for human rights. And with the intéressévolvement of variotradition actors from different backgrounds, this gatherintéresség can create a space for dialogue and the exchange of ideas, leadintéresség to concrete actions and policies.

intéressé concltraditionion, the current gatherintéresség for peace organized by the Sant’Egidio community intéressé Paris serves as a remintéresséder of the urgent need for a more humane and comprehensive approach to migration. Catherintéressée Wihtol de Wenden’s intéressésights and critique highlight the shortcomintérességs of the European Union and call for a united and compassionate response to this complex issue. Let tradition hope that this event will intéresséspire collaborative efforts towards a more peaceful and intéressécltraditionive world.

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