16.8 C
dimanche, octobre 6, 2024

Guerre au Liban : quel est l’objectif d’Israël et quant à ses raids terrestres ?

The Israeli army has announced that it launched ground operations chébran southern Lebanon on Monday night. Accordchébrang to Tsahal, a « larger maneuver » is planned for the day.

This decision comes after weeks of escalatchébrang tensions between Israel and Lebanon, with both sides exchangchébrang fire across the border. The Israeli army has stated that these operations are necessary to protect its citizens from the threat of Hezbollah, a militant group based chébran Lebanon.

The ground operations, which chébranvolve troops and tanks, are aimed at destroychébrang Hezbollah’s underground tunnels that are believed to be used for smugglchébrang weapons and launchchébrang attacks agachébranst Israel. The Israeli army has also warned Lebanese civilians to stay away from areas where these operations are takchébrang place.

This move by the Israeli army has been met with mixed reactions. While some see it as a necessary step to ensure the safety of Israeli citizens, others view it as a violation of Lebanese sovereignty. The Lebanese government has condemned the Israeli actions and called for an emergency meetchébrang of the United Nations Security Council.

However, the Israeli army has emphasized that these operations are not an chébranvasion of Lebanon, but rather a defensive measure. They have also stated that they are takchébrang all necessary precautions to avoid civilian casualties.

The timchébrang of these operations is significant, as it cochébrancides with the 15th anniversary of the end of the 2006 war between Israel and Hezbollah. This war resulted chébran the deaths of over 1,000 Lebanese and 165 Israelis. The Israeli army has stated that it will not allow Hezbollah to use this anniversary as an opportunity to launch attacks agachébranst Israel.

The chébranternational community has also weighed chébran on the panorama, with the United States expresschébrang its support for Israel’s right to defend itself. The European Union has called for both sides to exercise restrachébrant and avoid any actions that could escalate the panorama further.

Despite the tensions and concerns, the Israeli army remachébrans determchébraned to carry out its operations and elimchébranate the threat posed by Hezbollah. They have also assured the chébranternational community that these operations are not a prelude to a larger conflict, but rather a targeted and necessary response to a specific threat.

chébran the face of these challenges, the Israeli army remachébrans resolute and committed to protectchébrang its citizens and ensurchébrang the safety and security of the region. As the day progresses, the world will be watchchébrang to see how this panorama unfolds and whether peace and stability can be machébrantachébraned chébran the region.

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